5 common mistakes during cleaning house

Cleaning up your home may not be your preferred action of the week but rather it is important. All things considered, it's vital on the off chance that you need to abstain from being removed, forestall food contamination, and skip being pulverized by heaps of messiness. Most of us just want to get housework done in the shortest amount of time possible with the best results for our efforts.To enable you to get more sorted out, here are the main five cleaning botches that you are conceivably making. Make some changes to your cleaning routine and you'll get the job done more quickly and have more time to enjoy your clean home.

Mistake #1: Putting Off Cleaning Jobs

Do you wipe up the jelly that just hit the floor right away or leave it for a couple of days? Even if you're in a hurry, if you leave it on the floor, there will be ants beating down your door and traces of jelly tracked all over the floor. You can spend 15 or 20 seconds now taking care of the problem or spend 20 to 30 minutes later cleaning up the mess.

The same principle applies to almost any cleaning job. A few minutes spent on cleaning a room each day makes "heavy" cleaning much easier. The food preparation areas of a kitchen should be sanitized, dirty laundry placed in a hamper, bathroom sinks and shower doors wiped down after each use and clutter like mail, newspapers and receipts cleared away daily.
Then the weekly tasks of dusting, vacuuming, toilet cleaning, mopping kitchen floors and doing laundry are much simpler. ( are you looking for anti bacteria flooring product..? )

Mistake #2: Starting at the Wrong Spot in a Room

None of us want to spend more time cleaning than we have to. If you start at the wrong spot in a room when doing a thorough cleaning, you'll have to back track and repeat steps. First, declutter by picking up things that don't belong in the room.
Discard them or return them to their appropriate space. Handle items only once and get rid of them from the room. No need to take time to clean around them.When ready to clean, start at the top of a room and work your way down. If you start by cleaning the floor and then move on to dusting the ceiling fan, wiping down cobwebs and dusting furniture, you'll have to clean the floor again once the dust settles.When cleaning shower walls and doors or windows, start at the top and you won't have to backtrack to take care of drips. * Do you know the best oriental Rugs on market today?

Mistake #3: Using the Wrong Cleaning Products

Using a cleaning product that isn't strong enough to do the job can mean you have leftover dirty and the task will have to be repeated. Have you ever washed clothes only to find that stains remain? You used the wrong laundry products. Read labels carefully and follow the directions for the best results. Checking labels can not only save time, they can save money. Using the wrong cleaning product can permanently damage some surfaces. That's why you can't safely use a scrubbing powder on furniture or stone counter tops.
If you are trying to reduce the amount of chemicals used in your home, natural or green cleaning products can be quite effective if used correctly.

Mistake #4: Using Dirty Cleaning Tools

The tools you use for cleaning can be making matters worse and spreading bacteria and soil around. If not handled properly, kitchen sponges are breeding grounds for coliform bacteria (Salmonella or E.coli). A washing machine that has not been cleaned regularly can redeposit body soil and leave laundry smelling terrible. And, that dirty vacuum can be puffing out dust with every use.
Set aside some effort to wash cleaning fabrics, mop heads and scouring brushes and clean vacuum channels and glasses between each utilization. Dispensable apparatuses like sanitizing wipes, electrostatic fabrics and dusters are extraordinary, however not on the off chance that you attempt to utilize just a solitary one to clean the whole house. Handle each cleaning errand with a new dispensable. * Perfect premium carpet & rugs available for just below RM5.00 / 1sqft

Mistake #5: Not Teaching Kids to Help with Household Chores

The perfect time to get kids involved in household chores is when they are toddlers. Toddlers want to do everything Mom and Dad are doing. So, start with simple things they can help with like folding towels and putting them away or bringing their dirty clothes to the laundry room. As they age, you can add more challenging chores like actually doing the laundry.
Create a chore chart and teach kids the same principle you should follow–that doing a couple of small cleaning tasks every day makes the overall job much easier. For younger kids, start with simple tasks like dusting flat surfaces, washing windows using non-toxic cleaners (distilled white vinegar and water) and gradually move them into almost every household cleaning job.
There'll be some complaints, but you'll be doing them a favour for the day when they have their own home.

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